Monday, December 5, 2011

Interview with Cesar Curti, Mister International Brazil 2011

"The Stunning Angels" presents Cesar Curti, Mister International Brazil 2011 in an exclusive interview session. Let us find out a little more about him...

1. What would your friends describe you?
As Someone that is always pursuing what believes and really go for it.

2. In your own words, who is Cesar Curti?
Cesar Curti is someone that is always evolving. Always want to be better, to look better and to do things better than before. I believe that people can always improve, so here i am, trying to make the most of it. I try to find solutions for problems, rather than worry about them.

3. Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
People know nothing about me actually. Nobody but your close friends knows anything about you. People judge you for what you do and what looks like you do rather than really find out who you are.
Right and wrong are relatives, but i really trust my intuition and my honour, and i keep living my life according to what i think it’s the right thing to do. Without hurting others and repeating mistakes.

4. Describe the town where you grew up?
My town is called Ribeirao Preto, it belongs to the state of Sao Paulo. It is quite a big city, with 650 thousand people living there. But the good thing about it, is that you have everything you can find in a big city, but we don’t face the problems of a big city, such as: crazy traffic, violence, polution...
It is a very hot city all year around, it is located on top of a very old volcano crater, so the wind hardly blows strongly in there.

5. Tell us about your family. What happened when you told them your desire to be Mister? Did they support you?
My Familly always supported me. I live on my own since I was 19 and started my international career, so they know who i am, and what i do. They trust my choices, and they always cheer for my success.

6. Before participating in a Mister Brasil 2011 Pageant, what did you do? And did you dream of becoming a Mister?
I was working as a Model/Actor and starting to record my music album in Bangkok when i was invited to participate in the Mister Brasil 2011 pageant. I always thought it was something cool to do, but i never really stopped to think about me in the competition. Now i dream of becoming Mister International 2011, and all my focus and strenght are on top of that.

7. What were your reasons for joining the Mister Brasil?
Starting a career in my country. I work for 5 and a half years internationally as a Model/Actor, but i never really worked in Brazil. Only a job here and there, but i never really focused in staying in my country to work. I saw in the Mister Brasil 2011 the chance to start a carrer in Brazil with a great title, while i still keep my connections around the world.

8. What is your favorite part of your body & why?
My smile. I think when you smile, people know who you are. Smart people can tell right away if you are confident, positive, and trustworthy.


9. What is your worst quality?
Be impatient sometimes.

10. Who inspires you? Any idol in life? And Why?
Anyones who really followed what they believed inspires me. It can be an Athlete, a celebrity, or a random person on the street. If they do what they love, and are happy living like that, they inspire me. I really like Albert Einstein. He found answers that were hidden for centuries, and changed the perception of how we see the world. Everybody knows he was a genius, but to get there, you must be really bold and trust in yourself.

11. Tell us about your preparations for the 2011 Mr International pageant.
Right now i am in Peruibe - SP. On the coast of Brazil. Enjoying the quality of life you can have on the beach. I took some time off work, and i’m just preparing myself physically, mentally and spiritually for the competition.
I’m surfing, running on the beach, training Muay Thai, working out weights, and living a stress free life. I believe i am ready to be Mister International, so i will be only myself during the competition, and doing what i’m doing, is a way to connect with the things i like to do, and the things that makes me who i am.

12. Which one do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Mister International?
Be Humble, confident and reliable.

13. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? which one do you think are your strongest rivals?
I’m not worrying about that, so i didn’t really pay attention to it. I will see when i get there! he he..

14. If you don’t win Mister International 2011, what are your plans for the future?
I will plan that once the time comes. I don’t focus in two things at the same time. My focus now is on winning

15. What's your special message to your fans & supporters?
Thank you very much for always supporting me. I really appreciate all the motivational messages i receive daily, and promise that i will do everything i can to bring this title to us. Love and gratitude to all.

»Personal Motto: “When was the last time you did something for the first time?!”

»Personal Goal: Peace of mind
»Personal Dream Destination (Place): Maldives
»Favorite Food: Japanese and Thai
»Favorite Color: Red
»Favorite Song: -
»Favorite Movie: The Last Samurai
»Favorite Book: The Alchemist
»Favorite Singer/Band: Red hot chilli peppers
»Favorite Actor/Actress: Keanu Reeves
»Favorite Hobby: Playing sports and music
»Favorite Sport: So many of them... Soccer, Martial Arts, Volleyball, Weight Lifting...

Thank you very much Cesar for this interview, thank you for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in The 2011 Mister International pageant


Interviewed by Zeph End 

Photos courtesy:
 All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special thanks to 
Cesar Curti, Mister International Brazil

Published by on December 5th, 2011 

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.