Thursday, August 4, 2011

Official Photos of Miss Venezuela 2011 By Dumont & Regalado [part 2]

CARABOBO - Isabela Ramos Cano

1,81 m 21 years old

Student of Law

COJEDES - Angela Beatriz Ramírez Gutiérrez
1,74 m 21 years old
Student of Administration

DELTA AMACURO - Ivany Nayexy Guzmán Herrera
1,77 m 22 
years old
Student of Technical Administration

DISTRITO CAPITAL - Gabriella Ferrari Peirano
1,75 m 20 years old
Student of Social Communication

FALCON - Haydee Margarita del Carmen Castillo González
1,79 m 22 years old
Student of Architecture

GUARICO - Blanca Cristina Aljibes Gallardo
1,76 m 22 
years old
Student of Industrial relations
