Thursday, August 4, 2011

Official Photos of Miss Venezuela 2011 By Dumont & Regalado [part 1]

AMAZONAS - Diana Carolina Wood Pérez
1,73 m 24 years old
Student of Industrial Engineering

ANZOATEGUI - Catiuska Yeniree Zapata Ynojosa
1,79 m 20 years old
Student of Business Administration

APURE - Jeserly Katherine Gutiérrez Silva
1,75 m 25 years old
BA in Social Communication

ARAGUA - Yosddy Alexandra Hernández Badillo
1,78 m 21 years old
 Student of Social Communication

BARINAS - Astrid Yolanda Lozada Silva
1,70 m 24 years old
Student of Social Communication

BOLIVAR - Fanny José Ottati Madrid
1,75 m 22 
years old
Student of Law
